Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.    JOIN/RENEWGIVE
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.    JOIN/RENEWGIVE


Vote 411 Vote411.org went live October 1st.  Urge friends, family, neighbors and co-workers to visit the website at www.vote411.org to find out what’s on their ballot and learn about the candidates. Click here for the one page flyer that you can print out and hang in your neighborhood centers, grocery stores, etc.  
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Nassau County’s Temporary Districting Advisory Commission will hold public meetings well into late October, the Nassau League of Women Voters Redistricting Committee is postponing the previously announced October 11 follow-up meeting with our Coalition.  We’ll advise you on the rescheduled date. Note dates and venues for the remaining public meetings, all starting at 6:00 pm: Oct 13:...
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On October 11th, the state League in coordination with Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. hosted a presentation and panel on The Clean Water, Clean Air and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act with speakers from the Nature Conservancy, WeAct, and the Northeast Region of the International Union of Operating Engineers. In total, we had over 200...
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  Lawn Signs Want a sign to post in your lawn to encourage people to vote! We have them at $5 each plus tax and shipping. Email Aimee@lwvny.org and tell her how many and where to ship them. We can invoice you or your League later. Do it now!
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Nancy Rosenthal, VP for Voter Services, nancyrosenthal9@gmail.com Tuesday November 8th is almost here; we are running the last mile of the GOTV marathon! We are not done yet!  Hydrate and nourish yourself; our efforts these last days are critical!  Encourage all to vote! Early Voting: Oct. 29 to Nov. 6 Election Day: Nov. 8 To find your...
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Judie Gorenstein, judieL728@aol.com Voter services are the foundation of the League. Registering women to vote was the reason we were formed.  Although we do so much more today, voter services remain at the core, what we are known for and that which we hold the gold standard. Election Day, is only two weeks away and there is only a...
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On September 8, Regina Goutevenier, President of our PWM League testified on behalf of Nassau County League. She noted that at the August 31 hearing, Commissioner Mejias explained: “the maps … proposed by both delegations are to be made public by 5pm on November 10th and then sent to the legislature 3.5 hours later.  …...
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At the Sept 8th hearing of the Commission charged with redistricting Nassau County Legislative districts, Judy Esterquest represented the LWV of PWM.  She described Legislative District 9, “which includes the TNH Town Hall, looks like districts where politicians choose their voters — not where voters do the choosing. Similar to the 1812 district that inspired...
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The League encourages all Nassau County residents to attend one of the five upcoming Commission hearings and provide public comments and input regarding how your community should be represented in new legislative district maps. The upcoming hearing dates and locations are listed below. All hearings begin at 6:00 pm. ● Sept. 8 at North Hempstead...
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***IMPORTANTE*** El Proceso de Reordenación de Distritos Electorales Legislativos 2022/2023 ¡Haga escuchar su voz para el futuro de Nassau County! INVOLUCRESE HOY MISMO! Asista y Participe en la próxima audiencia: Jueves 8 de septiembre 2022, 6PM North Hempstead Town Hall 220 Plandome Road, Manhasset   ***PARTICIPACION DE LOS HABITANTES ES NECESARIA*** Por favor asista, involúcrese,...
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