In August and September 2022, the Town of North Hempstead Council considered whether to repeal a section of the Town Code established in 1971. Adopted in response to NYS legalizing abortion, the code restricted where termination procedures to hospitals and hospital-supervised facilities, establishing both civil and criminal consequences for violators. On September 1, the Council...Continue Reading
Sept 8, 2022, Testimony by Regina Goutevenier on Behalf of LWV of Nassau County & Judith Esterquest on Behalf of LWV of PWM Video of 8 Sept 2022 Testimony at hearingContinue Reading
At the Sept 8th hearing of the Commission charged with redistricting Nassau County Legislative districts, Judy Esterquest represented the LWV of PWM. She described Legislative District 9, “which includes the TNH Town Hall, looks like districts where politicians choose their voters — not where voters do the choosing. Similar to the 1812 district that inspired...Continue Reading
Update: After two public hearings and accepting comments (with mention of the PWM & GN Leagues’ Letter), the Town Council voted unanimously to repeal the 1971 code.Continue Reading