Jan 25, 2025, Karen Moskowitz provides this final update on the 2020 redistricting of the Nassau County Legislature — after the census, controversial competing redistricting committee maps, lawsuits (with the PWM League as one of the plaintiffs, among others), court rulings, and appeals. We thank Karen for her four years of tireless work keeping Nassau...Continue Reading
TO THE NASSAU LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS REDISTRICTING COALITION, THE LEAGUE’S REDISTRICTING COMMITTEE & OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES: Here’s more specific information on the deadline for submitting comments, written testimony and/or maps to the NYS Independent Redistricting Commission re the State Assembly district map: As noted below, there’s no clear cut deadline for submissions from the...Continue Reading
To The Nassau League Of Women Voters Redistricting Coalition, The League’s Redistricting Committee & Other Interested Parties: The Nassau County Legislature will hold a public meeting on Thursday, February 16 at 6:30 p.m. to address proposed election district maps for the 19 legislative districts. Location: Theodore Roosevelt Executive & Legislative Bldg., Legislative Chamber, 1550 Franklin Avenue, Mineola. Public comment will be permitted, limited...Continue Reading
Wednesday, November 21 at 6:00 pm: A working session open to the public, with NO public comment permitted. Commissioners will be voting on “any maps submitted” Location: Theodore Roosevelt Executive & Legislative Bldg., 1550 Franklin Avenue, Mineola. Livestream: Accessible from the Leg’s home page: https://www.nassaucountyny.gov/489/County-Legislature. Continue Reading
Wednesday, November 16 at 6:00 pm: Public Comment will be permitted, limited to 3 minutes, or you may Email comments to LegPublicComment@nassaucountyny.gov. If you choose to make an oral statement, fill out one of the forms on a table at the front of the room and hand it to the clerk. Location: Theodore Roosevelt Executive...Continue Reading
The Nassau Temporary Redistricting Advisory Commission will hold a working session open to the public on Thursday, November 10 at 6:00 pm. Agenda: The Commission will present its map proposal at this time. Public Comment: NO public statements will be permitted at this session. Location: Theodore Roosevelt Executive & Legislative Bldg., 1550 Franklin Avenue, Mineola....Continue Reading
We’re excited to announce the Kickoff meeting of our Coalition to address election map redistricting for Nassau County’s Legislature! At this initial meeting we’ll provide an overview of redistricting, how you can identify your redistricting concerns how the League can assist you in advocating for those interests before the Nassau Temporary Districting Advisory Commission. Also...Continue Reading