Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.    JOIN/RENEWGIVE
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.    JOIN/RENEWGIVE

Join the League, Rejoin, & Give

Join & Rejoin the LWV of Port Washington-Manhasset
Membership in the League of Women Voters is open to everyone over age 16, and it’s “not for women only.” There are over 40 local Leagues across New York State and over 700 across the country. When you join our League, you also become a member of the NYS and the national Leagues. This membership opens resources for learning about well-studied issues; opportunities to get involved in local, state and national issues; and some of the most interesting, informed, and engaged people you will meet in any organization.

Membership and Gifts

The LWV of PWM has recently been granted 501(c)3 tax status, retroactive to June 9, 2022. This means that Memberships and contributions are both tax deductible. To learn more about how we use your dues and gifts, scroll down. Please use our secure payment button (below) to pay your annual dues and, if you can, make a contribution.

If you choose to pay online, a bank fee will be included in the payment amount. If you prefer to pay only the dues amount, please scroll down to the instructions for paying by check. If you have questions or concerns, please email President@LWVofPWM.org

Note, our annual dues are as follows:

  • Regular Members: $70 (by check) or $72.50 (with online fee)
  • Regular Member plus one Household Member (same address): $105 (by check) or  $108.75 (with online fee)
  • Regular Member plus two Household Members (same address): $140 (by check) or $145.00 (with online fee)
  • Fifty-Year Members (who have been active in the League for 50 years or more): free
  • Full-Time Students (under age 25 attending an accredited institution): free
At check-out, please insert “N/A” in all fields asking for additional household members if you want “Regular” (one-person) membership — and for 2nd and 3rd household members if you want only two memberships in the same household.

Payment Options

Disclaimer: Although the payment process starts and ends on our LWVPWM website, this website does not receive any individual financial information, including credit card numbers. Your sensitive data cannot be compromised should malfeasors enter this website. All financial transactions take place on PayPal’s secure servers with PayPal meeting PCI compliance standards.



  • For Membership Dues or Contribution Gift to LWVPWM – Please make vour check payable to: LWVPWM
  • To download a form to mail with your check, click here.
  • Mail check, with your name, street address, phone number(s), and email — and, if you are paying for additional household members, the name, phone number, and email for each member to be added:
    P.O. Box 305
    Port Washington, New York 11050


Why Become a Member

Because you want to make a difference. You know the future depends on people like you — people learning about the issues, discussing pro’s and con’s civilly with those who disagree or seek clarification, speaking out in ways that make people feel included and respected, rather than excluded, and seeking positive, pragmatic, reasonable solutions to the challenges we face in our communities and our country.

When you join the League of Women Voters, you’re doing something good for democracy — and good for yourself. As a member of the League, you will:

  • Stay informed about issues and government— engaging with others who seek to learn about issues we can address together by advocating for legislation and with government officials
  • Make your voice heard — as an engaged citizen and as a member of the most respected nonpartisan political organization in our country, an organization known for making a difference
  • Sharpen Your Skills — as you join experienced advocates for our Democracy who carry on a legacy dating back for more than a century


Where We’re Going Today

Today, the League at all levels is engaged in an exciting new effort to address the distrust and hostility that dominate public debate in America. We are:

  • Advocating for changes in the political process, including campaign finance reform that will reduce special interest influence and make elections fair.
  • Getting Voters to the polls, because the system won’t change unless we, all together, hold government accountable and vote.
  • Creating Opportunities for citizens to come together to discuss issues and shape solutions for the future.
  • Educating Citizens, giving them the knowledge and the tools they need.

Join & Rejoin the LWV of Port Washington-Manhasset

Membership in the League of Women Voters is open to everyone over age 16, and it’s “not for women only.” There are over 40 local Leagues across New York State and over 700 across the country. When you join our League, you also become a member of the New York State and the national Leagues. This membership opens resources for learning about well-studied issues; opportunities to get involved in local, state and national issues; and some of the most interesting, informed, and engaged people you will meet in any organization.

Membership and Gifts

Memberships and contributions are both tax-deductible.  Contributions above dues help keep us running. To learn more about how we use your dues and gifts, scroll down. Please use our secure payment button (below) to pay your annual dues and, if you can, make a contribution

  • Regular Members: $70 (by check) or $72.50 (with online fee)
  • Regular Member plus one Household Member (same address): $105 (by check) or $108.75 (with online fee)
  • Regular Member plus two Household Members (same address): $140 (by check) or $145.00 (with online fee)
  • Fifty-Year Members (who have been active in the League for 50 years or more): free
  • Full-Time Students (under age 25 attending an accredited institution): free

Pay Safely by Credit Card or PayPal Account

Although your payment process starts and ends on our LWVofPWM website, this website does not receive any individual financial information, including credit card numbers. Your sensitive data cannot be compromised should malfeasors enter this website. All financial transactions take place on PayPal’s secure servers with PayPal meeting PCI compliance standards.

To Pay Online Choose One of the Following:

At check-out, you won’t be able to pay unless there is text in every box (apologies, this is something we can’t control), so please NOTE
  1. If you want a “Regular” (one-person) membership, please insert “N/A” in all fields asking for additional household members.

  2. If you want two memberships in the same household, put n/a in fields asking for second additional  member

  3. If you are selecting 3-person household, please fill out all fields


  • For Membership Dues or Contribution Gift to LWVPWM – Please make vour check payable to: LWVPWM
  • To download a form to mail with your check, click here.
  • Mail check, with your name, street address, phone number(s), and email — and, if you are paying for additional household members, the name, phone number, and email for each member to be added:

P.O. Box 305
Port Washington, New York 11050

Why Become a Member

Because you want to make a difference. You know the future depends on people like you — people learning about the issues, discussing pro’s and con’s civilly with those who disagree or seek clarification, speaking out in ways that make people feel included and respected, rather than excluded, and seeking positive, pragmatic, reasonable solutions to the challenges we face in our communities and our country.

When you join the League of Women Voters, you’re doing something good for democracy — and good for yourself. As a member of the League, you will:

  • Stay informed about issues and government— engaging with others who seek to learn about issues we can address together by advocating for legislation and with government officials
  • Make your voice heard — as an engaged citizen and as a member of the most respected nonpartisan political organization in our country, an organization known for making a difference
  • Sharpen Your Skills — as you join experienced advocates for our Democracy who carry on a legacy dating back for more than a century

Where We’re Going Today

Today, the League at all levels is engaged in an exciting new effort to address the distrust and hostility that dominate public debate in America:

  • We’re Advocating for changes in the political process, including campaign finance reform that will reduce special interest influence and make elections fair.
  • We’re Getting Voters to the polls, because the system won’t change unless we, all together, hold government accountable and vote.
  • We’re Creating Opportunities for citizens to come together to discuss issues and shape solutions for the future.
  • We’re Educating Citizens, giving them the knowledge and the tools that they need.