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Jan & Feb Legislative Advocacy Opportunities

Bigger Better Bottle Bill

Medical Aid in Dying

NY Is NOT Disposable (plastics)


Bigger Better Bottle Bill

Over 6 million tons of waste is sent to NY landfills every year. That’s over 11 tons of trash every minute and that doesn’t even account for the waste that isn’t reaching our landfills and is thrown on road sides, in waterways, and in our parks. This Wednesday we were back at the Capitol to participate in a press conference urging the Governor to put the Bigger Better Bottle Bill into the state budget. In a year where the budget will be in an almost $4B dollar deficit it’s critical that revenue generating programs such as expanding the Bottle Bill are included in the budget. A recent report by ReLoop (a non-profit that works on expanding bottle bills in multiple states) determined that the bill could generate an additional $141m-$350M in state revenue. The bill would also do the following:

  • Increase the redemption rate from 5 cents to 10 cents.
  • Expand the types of containers that can be redeemed to include cider, wine, liquor, and most non-carbonated beverages. Many of these currently non-redeemable beverage containers produced by PepsiCo were found in the Buffalo River. Read more about the lawsuit Attorney General Letisha James filed against PepsiCo in response here. PepsiCo (headquartered near Buffalo, NY) manufactures and produces at least 85 beverage brands, many of which are not redeemable in NYS. Some of which you may know, such as Lipton Iced Tea, Ocean Spray juice, and Gatorade. A recent study and subsequent lawsuit filed by the NYS Attorney General found that products from PepsiCo are the number one polluter of the Buffalo River. 78% of the waste found in the river could be attributed back to PepsiCo and large quantities of microplastics were confirmed as coming from the polymers used in their plastic beverage bottles. Microplastics can have irreversible harm to ecosystems and the environment and when ingested by humans can cause cell damage, affect neurological development, and even lead to cancer.
  • Reduce litter and greenhouse gas emissions and increase redemption rates to 90%

The press conference has received coverage from the Times Union, News Channel 10, Politico, and News Channel 13.

Medical Aid in Dying Lobby Day
January 16th

Join LWVNYS and Compassion & Choices for the first lobby day of the new year in support of New York’s Medical Aid in Dying Act (A995A/S2445A) on Tuesday, January 16th, 2024 at 10:00am- 3:00pm. We will be at the New York State Capitol to highlight the need to pass New York’s Medical Aid in Dying Act in 2024, attempt to win more bill co-sponsors and show the Legislature that the majority of New Yorkers support this bill and demand its passage with demonstrations throughout the Empire State Plaza, New York State Capitol and Legislative Office Building, and meetings with lawmakers. Click here to register.

New York is Not Disposable Advocacy Days:
January 18th and February 27th

The New York Waste Reduction Coalition is hosting two Advocacy Days this winter – one that is virtual on Thursday, January 18th, and one that is in-person at the NYS Capital in Albany, NY on Tuesday, February 27th to advance the Bigger Better Bottle Bill and the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act.

You can join us for one or for both! To participate in the Virtual Advocacy Day, you will need to reach out to your State Assemblymember and State Senator to request a virtual meeting on Thursday, January 18. You will receive instructions on the landing page after you fill out the form. Click here to register.

If you plan to attend the in-person Advocacy Day on Tuesday, February 27, we will gather at Westminster Presbyterian Church located at 85 Chestnut Street, Albany, NY 12210. Click here to register.

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