Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.    JOIN/RENEWGIVE
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.    JOIN/RENEWGIVE


Kate Jankowski, Director of Communications & Development, Kate@lwvny.org

Online Gift Matching Challenge by the Board


If you have already made a gift to the Education Foundation this year, thank you!
Other Ways to Give:
Monthly Giving
Over the past several years, many donors have discovered the ease and opportunity of making a monthly gift to the state League. Year-end is a great time to consider joining a monthly giving program. When you sign up for monthly giving, your gift is charged automatically to your credit card each month, you will no longer get appeal letters so you save paper and postage, and you can often give more to your favorite charities by spreading out your gift than you would be able to give in one lump sum. It’s also a win for your favorite charities because they know they can depend on that income each month and they save on printing and postage.
If you become a monthly donor before 12/31/2016, your gift will also be eligible for the Board match so you can double your monthly impact!


Stock Gifts
If you are someone who has invested in stock over the years, donating appreciated shares is a great way to make a gift. You can support your favorite charities and get a tax benefit from your donation while avoiding the capital gains taxes on the shares you donate. If you are interested in transferring stock as a gift to the Education Foundation, please contact Kate Jankowski, Communications and Development Director, by phone at (518) 465-4162 or by email at kate@lwvny.org.


IRA Gifts
You can lower your taxable income by gifting your minimum required distribution to a charity of your choice. When you gift this distribution, it is removed from your taxable income and helps a cause you care about. To make a gift from your IRA distribution to the Education Foundation, please contact Kate Jankowski, Communications and Development Director, by phone at (518) 465-4162 or by email at kate@lwvny.org.


And Give to Your Local League, Too
Please consider joining in the year-end giving season by making a gift to your local League, too. To give a tax-deductible gift to your League’s educational grants management fund, click here: Local League EF Donations. You will be prompted to choose your local League when making your gift.
Should you have any questions about making a gift, please contact Kate Jankowski, Communications and Development Director, by phone at (518) 465-4162 or by email at kate@lwvny.org.
Thank you for your support of the LWVNYS. You are making democracy work!


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