Kate Jankowski, Director of Communications & Development, Kate@lwvny.org Online Gift Matching Challenge by the Board From now until midnight on December 31, 2016, the LWVNYS Board will match any gift we receive online up to $10,000. Please help us meet their challenge by donating online today. Click here to make your gift: http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001oQrhlQQKef4zPc8QhOJxhgfImPZDDfISw-7CSS6wNzy7N8q5sk0u0Rl8pNGFXLaLz_-PihLFVI5adJRbMFVqcrm9Exz12SvY5mMRS_7opufEQCCAUGax4-rRFZwz7VlBNzaCnpW2PoRK-p00WM6uMaSHSqvvJW14H3tzmJPXMiBZJXBwobqv4VS0Uw1apvcdLmuap29B76ZJnZYR9hzv31rdmAAyDaeDRKrdpJoggJI=&c=-1nMguUMfh5wkTf4YRMJg-L4SC48IAQQaCp_xTk-QGpojtuxuGfpMg==&ch=VRLLZQUA7eDPseT72iPyZfmhAS1qPB2ilAXtZZxD_aXdUAul6V1I2A== If...Continue Reading
The Only Way is Up: A Discussion to Boost Voter Turnout in New York Nov. 18, 8:00 am – 2:00 pm New York Law School, 185 West Broadway, NYC Citizens Union, League of Women Voters and others invite you to join us on November 18, 2016 at a half-day symposium, The Only Way Is Up:...Continue Reading
The League is pleased to announce a coordination with the Lawyer’s Committee who will offer a hotline on election day for people having questions or issues at the polling places. Here’s the info that you can distribute or share with the public, media and others: As New Yorkers will head to the polls to vote...Continue Reading
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy. Be an educated voter! Download our Meet the Candidates 2015 guide and learn your candidate’s positions.Continue Reading