Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.    JOIN/RENEWGIVE
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.    JOIN/RENEWGIVE


Last year, before COVID-19 locked us all inside, a few League members and I took a NYS League sponsored tour of the United Nations.  The entire day was awe-inspiring, from the grandness of the spaces, to the recognizable rooms, to the docents and speakers.  If ever you have the opportunity to take a tour of...
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As I sit at my home workspace, I can’t believe it’s May. The last few weeks in quarantine have moved both glacially and at warp speed—all at the same time. I hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy.  Some of my friends and family have gotten sick, but none have been...
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As I sit at my home workspace, I can’t believe it’s May. The last few weeks in quarantine have moved both glacially and at warp speed—all at the same time. I hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy.  Some of my friends and family have gotten sick, but none have been...
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LWV PWM recently learned of this “Love Letter to the League” published by LWV of California and written by their Executive Director, Stephanie Doute. Although published on Valentine’s Day, we believe love letters are appropriate every day of the year — this one especially, as we all consider what we most value about our democracy...
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A note from our PresidentJULIE MEER HARNICKDear LWV members and friends,Baby steps and managing expectations.  These are my resolutions for 2019.We’ve addressed the immensity of what we feel lies ahead.  We feel the burden of the last two years of mismanagement, immorality, and falsity in our elected leadership.  And it feels overwhelming.  So much so...
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President, LWV of Port Washington/Manhasset Dear LWV members and friends, In Oprah Winfrey’s commencement address at USC Annenberg School for Journalism and Communications, she offered up 10 points of advice: Be the Truth, Stay Hopeful, Be Good to Everyone, Vote, Live Responsibly, Be Kind, Splurge on the Right Things, Be Upstanding, Your Job is What...
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July was a busy month for the league. To get the full scoop click on this link to learn more.
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