Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.    JOIN/RENEWGIVE
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.    JOIN/RENEWGIVE


Blue banner with white text: "The Daily Gazette" and "When Credibility Matters.
How NYS Counties Voted     Thank you to the Daily Gazette for the graphics! And Reporter Tyler A. McNeil. To learn about the NY ERA, see earlier blog posts. Results:
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Jump to: 3:08 Forum Procedures8:55 Opening Statements12:50 Q&A1:08:05 Closing Statements Candidates: Pat Aitken Ted Post The League of Women Voters, a strictly non-partisan political organization, does not support or oppose any political party or candidate. Its mission is to engage and educate voters, to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation in government, and...
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9:25 Jump to Opening Statements 16:17 Jump to Q&A 1:10:05 Jump to Closing Statements Candidates for Mayor of Glen Cove — Oct 2, 2023 George Maragos Pam Panzenbeck The League of Women Voters, a strictly non-partisan political organization, does not support or oppose any political party or candidate. Its mission is to engage and educate...
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2022 The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Actof New York (June 2022) Registration Deadline Reduced from 25 Days to 10 Days Prior to Election Day (Dec 2022) “Wrong Church Bill” prevents disqualifying a registered voter’s entire ballot solely because it was inadvertently cast at a poll site other than the voter’s assigned polling place (Dec 2022) Expanded on-campus ballot...
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See video of our most recent educational event: an evening with Neal Simon, author of Contract for America: Ten Reforms to Reclaim our Republic, posted on LWVofPWM YouTube. The LWV Port Washington/Manhasset is actively engaged on Electoral Reform issues. We are looking to work with members who share the belief that we must improve the ways we...
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Welcome & Moderator OpeningCandidate Opening Statements Q&ACandidate Closing StatementsCandidates for Mayor: Paul Peters & Todd Teichman The League of Women Voters, a strictly non-partisan political organization, does not support or oppose any political party or candidate. Its mission is to engage and educate voters, to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation in government,...
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Cartoon in purple silhouette of people holding rally flags
More than 100 years after some women gained the right to vote, people in the United States are still not constitutionally guaranteed equality on the basis of sex. The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) will update the US Constitution to protect the equality of rights under the law regardless of sex. The ERA has met all...
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early voter
Early Voting for the General Election from October 29th to November 6 All Nassau County Voters may cast their ballots at any of the early polling sites — see the map below General Election Day is Tuesday, November 8 Voters may vote ONLY at their official polling site VOTE YES for the Clean Water, Clean...
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