Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.    JOIN/RENEWGIVE
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.    JOIN/RENEWGIVE

Who Represents You – WRY

Maybe add years/per term … most recent election mo/yr?


President — can you direct it to the “contact section”?  https://www.whitehouse.gov/

Vice President & Current Administration — https://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/

NYS Senators — 6-year terms

Senator Charles Schumer (Nov 2022) https://www.schumer.senate.gov/—

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (Nov 2018) https://www.gillibrand.senate.gov/

PWM Member of Congress — 2 year terms (click on map) — NY 3CD: George Santos (Nov 2022) https://santos.house.gov/

Senate Leadership

House Leadership https://www.house.gov/leadership

House/Senate Leadership https://www.senate.gov/general/contacting.htm

Contact the Senate (USPS, Phone, Email): https://www.senate.gov/general/contacting.htm

Contact the House: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative#:~:text=If%20you%20know%20who%20your,the%20U.S.%20House%20switchboard%20operator


Governor — 4-yr term, 202. https://www.governor.ny.gov/. Contact: https://www.governor.ny.gov/content/governor-contact-form

Lieutenant Governor  https://www.governor.ny.gov/lt-governor-antonio-delgado

Comptroller — https://www.osc.state.ny.us/

Attorney General — https://ag.ny.gov/

PWM State Senator (click on map) — NYS S-7 Jack Martins (2-yr term, Nov 2022)— https://www.nysenate.gov/senators/jack-m-martins

PWM State Assembly Members— NYS A-16 Gina Silletti (2-yr term, Nov 2021) (click on map)  https://nyassembly.gov/mem/Gina-L-Sillitti, NYS A-13 Charles Lavine (2-yr term, Nov 2021) (click on map)  https://nyassembly.gov/mem/Charles-D-Lavine/about/



County Executive https://www.nassaucountyny.gov//

County Comptroller https://www.nassaucountyny.gov/1590/County-Comptroller

County Clerk https://www.nassaucountyny.gov/458/County-Clerk

County District Attorney https://www.nassauda.org/

County Sheriff  https://www.nassaucountyny.gov/1891/Sheriffs-Department

County Legislators representing PWM (2-yr terms, Nov of odd years): https://www.nassaucountyny.gov/489/County-Legislature

NC-10 Mazi Malesa Pilip: https://www.nassaucountyny.gov/506/District-10—Mazi-Melesa-Pilip (map at this URL)

NC-11 Delia DeRiggi-Whitton https://www.nassaucountyny.gov/507/District-11—Delia-DeRiggi-Whitton (map at this URL)


Town of North Hempstead (click on map) https://www.northhempsteadny.gov/. (find a map with all council districts, new)

Executive Jennifer DeSena https://www.northhempsteadny.gov/content/16253/35121/35125.aspx

Clerk. NAME: https://www.northhempsteadny.gov/content/16253/16898/21084/default.aspx

Receiver of Taxes Charles Berman https://www.northhempsteadny.gov/Charles-Berman

PWM Council Districts(click on map) —

ToNH 4: Veronica Lurvey https://www.northhempsteadny.gov/district4. (map)

ToNH 6: Mariann Dalimonte. https://www.northhempsteadny.gov/district6. (map)


City of Glen Cove (click on map): https://glencoveny.gov/. (find a map?

Mayor. https://glencoveny.gov/mayors-office/

City Council. https://glencoveny.gov/city-council/


PWM Special Districts

Public Libraries:  maybe a map with all 54 libraries starred (google)

Elections are set by libraries, usually a Tuesday every April


Glen Cove, https://www.glencovelibrary.org/

Manhasset, https://manhassetlibrary.org/

Port Washington. https://pwpl.org/


Boards of Education:

Elections are in 2nd Tuesday every May

Glen Cove,


Port Washington


Elections are 3rd Tuesday in December

Manhasset Fire/Water: Manhasset elects both commissioner at once:

Fire: https://www.mlfd.com/general-info/fire-district/fire-commissioners

Water: https://mlwd.net/css_contact.php

Port W Garbage :  https://pwgarbagedistrict.com/contact-us%2Fabout-us

Manhasset Parks: https://manhassetparkdistrictny.gov/

Port Water Pollution Control (Sewer): http://www.pwwpcd.us/index.html

Water: Port. https://pwwd.org/about/management/


INCORPORATED VILLAGES  — ONLY MAYBE if we can find a map which names these (only PWM area:  not a great map, but you can find the villages on it … could it be cleaned?)
Baxter Estates


Port Washington North

Sands Point


Flower Hill

Munsey Park

North Hills


Plandome Heights

Plandome Manor






Maybe (delete NC and Suffolk … maybe add URLS for the local sister leagues)


Maybe how to address electeds ???