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Turn to page 2 of this guide for ballot proposals



Proposal 1: Removal of Small City School Districts From Special Constitutional Debt Limitation

Removes legacy inequities for cities of under 125,000 people, enacted before these districts voted for their budgets

Description of Proposal

The State Constitution limits how much debt a small city (a city with less than 125,000 people) school district, can incur. State law says their debt cannot be greater than five percent of the value of taxable real property; all other school districts’ debt cannot be greater than ten percent.

If this Constitutional Amendment passes, small city school districts would be eligible to have the same debt limit as other school districts as determined by state law.

Question as it Will Appear on the Ballot

The proposed amendment to Article 8, section 4 of the Constitution removes the special constitutional debt limitation now placed on small city school districts, so they will be treated the same as all other school districts. Shall the proposed amendment be approved?

Proposal 2: Exclude Indebtedness for Sewage Facilities Amendment

Extends the status quo for another decade — as has been done for 50 years to encourage sewering

Description of Proposal

The State Constitution limits the debt counties, cities, towns, and villages can incur. This debt limit has an exception to not include debt for sewage treatment and disposal construction projects. The current sewer debt exception expires on January 1, 2024. This amendment extends the sewer debt exception for ten more years until January 1, 2034.

Question as it Will Appear on the Ballot

The proposed amendment to Article 8, section 5 of the Constitution extends for ten years the authority of counties, cities, towns, and villages to remove from their constitutional debt limits debt for the construction of sewage facilities. Shall the proposed amendment be approved?

A half-hour webinar on the two ballot proposals is available on our LWVofPWM YouTube channel



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