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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.    JOIN/RENEWGIVE

Judy’s Healthcare Page

The League of Women Voters of New York State believes that everyone should have access to essential physical and behavioral healthcare. New York State has a proper role in the regulation of healthcare and must assure high quality care that is affordable and accessible to all… The League supports uniform eligibility and coverage of essential healthcare services, both physical and behavioral, ideally, including coverage of services such as vision, dental, hearing, and long-term care, through public financing. The League has a strong commitment to an emphasis on preventive care, health education, and appropriate use of primary care services. (LWVNY Healthcare Position)

The League of Women Voters of New York State believes that any proposed healthcare financing system should provide access to essential healthcare at an affordable cost for all New Yorkers, both patients and taxpayers. The League supports the single-payer concept as a viable and desirable approach to implementing League positions on equitable access, affordability, and financial feasibility. In any proposed healthcare financing system, the League favors funding supported in part by broad-based and progressive state taxes on earned and unearned income with health insurance access independent of employment status. (LWVNY Healthcare Financing Position)

What our PWM League has done, is doing

18-month Study to Update LWV NY Positions & 6-month Consensus Process

Our local league actively supports the US and NYS league healthcare positions.  The LWV NY positions — adopted by the State Board in 2021 after an 18-month process of intensive study, followed by 6 months of education and consensus discussions by local leagues across NYS — were recommended to the Board with virtually unanimous support. They replace the NY positions adopted in 1991 and are aligned with the US position, adopted in 1993.

Our league was active in the Study Committee, in offering education events for local leagues across the state, and in providing Q&A, as needed, to explain the new positions.

Our league is now helping mobilize leagues across the US to support concurrence at the national Convention (2022) to update the LWVUS Health Care position.

Educational Events & Testimony on Healthcare

PWM has run many educational programs on single-payer healthcare:

  • For our PWM communities at local venues
  • At state-wide virtual events, such as caucuses at 2021 NYS Convention (on Rural Health and on Health Disparities)
  • At national events, such as assisting with healthcare caucus in 2020 on Medicare for All

PWM has also testified and helped prepare testimony at hearings on the NY Health Act

  • For Health Comm of NYS Senate & Assembly in 2019 in the Bronx …
  • Hearings NYS HC Committee & as individual???

Mobilizing LWV US Concurrence with new NYS positions

Our league is now helping mobilize leagues across the US to support concurrence at the national Convention (2022) to update the LWVUS Health Care position.

Supporting NYS & US Rural Affairs Caucuses (& Digital Equity concurrence action)

DEI presentations on HC through HCR4US…