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Health Justice

Health Justice — Film & Panel Discussion
The Untold Story of Medicare 
— Healthcare for 19 million seniors in 11 months—
— Desegregation of our nation’s hospitals in 4 months —

Sunday, January 20, 2019
10am — 1pm
Cinema Arts Centre
423 Park Ave, Huntington

Members:  $11*; Public: $16
For more info and to RSVP, email:

Doors open: 10 am–light breakfast; 11am–film; 12pm –panel 

tells the powerful story of rapidly mobilized volunteers transforming our nation’s hospitals, which had racially segregated patients, doctors, blood supplies and linens. 

In the South, one third of hospitals refused to admit African-Americans even for emergencies.  

Then came Medicare money and the courage of outrage. 
Today, systemic racism continues to plague patients of color.
 Panel discussion will follow the film:

Harriet Washington
Award-winning author of Medical Apartheid (2006), Deadly Monopolies (2011), Infectious Madness (2015), and A Terrible Thing to Waste (2019); a fellow in ethics at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health; a scholar at the Tuskegee National Center for Bioethics.

Dr. Donald Moore
Brooklyn physician (with degrees from Yale), trustee and past president of the Kings Medical Society, who contends daily with continuing disparities in care. 

Phyllis Cunningham, RN
Staff member with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the Medical Committee for Human Rights (MCHR), who trained federal inspectors to find civil rights violations in hospitals in 1965.

Roosa Sofia Tikkanen, MPH, MRes
Research Associate at The Commonwealth Fund, focused on health policy analysis, including disparities in care and outcomes across industrialized countries, with significant research on NYC health, holds her MPH from Harvard School of Public Health.

About the author