Member Consensus — NYS RCV & Open Primaries & Voting Systems
Member Consensus Meeting
February 13 @ 7pm by Zoom
After Q&A and discussion, Members agreed to concur
with all THREE proposed positions:
1. Ranked Choice Voting
2. Open Primaries
3. Voting Systems Approval Process
What’s Next?
LWVofPWM will send its report to NYS, as will the other local Leagues that reach consensus yes/no or don’t reach consensus (on each position separately).
If enough Leagues agree with a position AND those Leagues fairly represent the 4 geographic regions of NYS…
… the state League will adopt that position into the LWV of NYS Impact on Issues.
In preparation for the discussion, members reviewed the study materials provided by LWVNYS:
A. 2023-2025 LWVNYS Study: Ranked Choice Voting & Nonpartisan Primaries (about 8-15 minutes to read)
B. 2024-25 LWVNYS Study: Voting Systems Approval Process (about 12 to 20 minutes to read)
The League of Women Voters takes positions on issues at the national, state and local level after completing a study process and then striving to reach a consensus. If enough leagues reach consensus, a position can be added at the NY State level and we can then advocate for this issue.
Everyone is welcome to review the study materials, but only LWV members may participate in the consensus discussion. Zoom link was sent to members.
Each discussion began with a brief education segment with Q&A to ensure understanding of the position. Then the League used the consensus process to find “the spirit of the group” — it is not a process of voting but of finding common ground and working through what can be agreed. The facilitator guided discussion.
Consensus is usually educational (and fun) — and a key responsibility for League members, regardless of your interest in an issue. League members who want to advocate (for or against) actions by elected and appointed governmental decision-makers can only do so if there is a League position to guide that advocacy. Your fellow members need you to weigh in on adopting — or not adopting — positions. All NYS positions are listed in Impact on Issues, linked above.