Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.    JOIN/RENEWGIVE
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.    JOIN/RENEWGIVE


You are invited to attend the two briefings at the United Nations on two important topics: Sexual Violence in Conflict Anti-Terrorism On Thursday, November 17, 2016. Download and return your completed form to: United Nations Briefings/LWVNYS 62 Grand Street Albany, New York 12207
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The League is pleased to announce a coordination with the Lawyer’s Committee who will offer a hotline on election day for people having questions or issues at the polling places. Here’s the info that you can distribute or share with the public, media and others: As New Yorkers will head to the polls to vote...
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The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy. Be an educated voter! Download our Meet the Candidates 2015 guide and learn your candidate’s positions.
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