Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.    JOIN/RENEWGIVE
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.    JOIN/RENEWGIVE


A note from our President

Dear LWV members and friends,

This fall the leadership of our League decided to give full attention to the mid-term election, by putting all our efforts into VOTER SERVICES.  In doing so, we temporarily put aside our passions for natural resources, gun control, redistricting and other policy areas.  Those hats were doffed in deference to the importance of November 6.  I am truly awed by the dedication of our members who stepped into different shoes in the service of our democracy. 

With regard to voter turnout, Judy Esterquest and Francine Furtado went to the Board of Elections to discover which neighborhoods in our district had the lowest voter registration and lowest voter turnout.  The clear consensus was to put all our efforts in those neighborhoods. 

I canvassed yesterday in service of that goal.  I’d never done it before and truth be told, I was nervous.  I wasn’t sure how people would respond to me ringing their bells.  The experience was actually enjoyable.  We worked in teams of two and we had a neighborhood map.  Judy and Francine prepared all of us well;  we had instructions and LOTS of resources to help.  Wait until you see the door hanger that they produced with loads of pertinent information and websites. 

Then there are the valiant efforts of Pat McCormick and her team of voter registration volunteers.  They’ve held at least six drives so far with several more in the works for the coming days before the October 12 filing deadline.  Pat doesn’t say “no.”  She’s contacted local nonprofits, places of worship, schools and community groups to ask if they want help getting their clients and members registered to vote.  She sets up her table and goes to work at least twice a week.  Way to go, Pat.

Finally, we have the brilliant Judy Jacobson, who has, once again, coordinated our upcoming Candidates’ Night on October 18 at the Unitarian Universalist Church.  I don’t know how she does it.  How is it possible to get six candidates for three offices all to agree on one date?  (She originally got eight candidates for four offices, but someone pulled out.)  She arranges all the details, edits the biographies, finds the moderator, works with all the campaigns and soothes a lot of BIG egos along the way. 

Everyone is working hard because they have to.  I want you to keep asking yourselves, “What can I do to help?”  And then, call on the League because I’m telling you, there is always more to do.  We need you, and frankly our Democracy needs you. 

Let’s remember JFK’s words, “Ask not what your country can do for you– ask what you can do for your country.”

We’ve rested too long believing our Democracy didn’t need nurturing.  We were wrong. 

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