Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.    JOIN/RENEWGIVE
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.    JOIN/RENEWGIVE


[E]veryone should have access to essential physical and behavioral healthcare… high quality care that is affordable and accessible to all… [with] uniform eligibility and coverage of essential healthcare services, both physical and behavioral, ideally … vision, dental, hearing, and long-term care, through public financing …[with] an emphasis on preventive care, health education, and appropriate use of primary care services.
(From LWVNY Healthcare Position)

[The League favors e]ssential healthcare at an affordable cost for all New Yorkers, both patients and taxpayers… the single-payer concept [is] a viable and desirable approach to implementing League positions on equitable access, affordability, and financial feasibility … [and] health insurance access independent of employment status.
(From LWVNY Healthcare Financing Position)

Mobilizing LWVUS Concurrence with new NYS positions

Our League is now co-leading an effort to mobilize local Leagues across NYS and the US to support updating the LWVUS Healthcare position (adopted in 1993) by adding excerpts from the 2021 LWVNY Healthcare and Healthcare Financing positions by Concurrence at the 2022 National Convention.

Concurrence is a long-standing and well-respected process to allow Leagues to leverage the rigorous study, review, and consensus processes of other Leagues. By using Concurrence, a League may adopt a new position or update an existing position without expending the extraordinary effort required to do a statewide or nationwide study.

To learn more about the Proposed Healthcare Concurrence process currently underway, click here.

Supporting NYS & US Rural Affairs Caucuses (& Digital Equity Concurrence action)

The Rural Affairs Caucus is spearheading an initiative to have the LWV of Connecticut positions on Digital Equity (Broadband) and Public Access Media adopted by Concurrence at the LWVUS Convention in 2022. Currently, like almost all the state Leagues, the LWVUS has no position on Digital Equity or Public Access Media. New Mexico and Tennessee have positions by Concurrence with Connecticut.

As a founding member of the national Rural Affairs network — which includes League members from 30 states —PWM helped launch an informal survey of these League members in the spring of 2020. It asked respondents to list the most critical needs facing their rural neighbors.  Almost every respondent listed healthcare and 70% listed broadband or high speed Internet, with outreach for voter education listed by about half. The degree of consensus in an open-ended survey was remarkable. The pandemic not only made critical gaps in rural healthcare and digital equity painfully visible, but exacerbated their harm.

The sponsors of the the Healthcare Concurrence and Digital Equity Concurrence are cross-endorsing each other because a stronger LWVUS Position on each one will strengthen opportunities for advocacy for the other. To learn more, click here: Cross-endorsement.

Healthcare through a DEI lens (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion)

Dangerous disparities in access to healthcare and in public health outcomes have been increasing over the past three decades for marginalized populations across our state and our country — rural residents; people of color;  those who suffer from chronic conditions; those who are incarcerated, lack English, or are homeless;  those who cannot afford health insurance, and those who may have insurance but cannot afford cost-sharing (co-pays, deductibles, out-of-network fees, and co-insurance).

The COVID-19 pandemic has made these disparities dramatically more visible.  Not only have vulnerable groups experienced death rates double or triple the rates of other (richer, whiter) groups but, as a country, we have lost ground against our peers, other developed nations.

PWM has led, co-led and helped develop educational events about these DEI issues for local, state and national audiences, including

18-month Study to Update LWV NY Positions & 6-month Consensus Process

Our local League actively supports the US and NYS League healthcare positions.  The LWV NY positions — adopted by the State Board in 2021 after an 18-month process of intensive study, followed by 6 months of education and consensus discussions by local Leagues across NYS — were recommended to the Board with virtually unanimous support. They replace the NY positions adopted in 1991 and are aligned with the US position, adopted in 1993.

Our League was active in the Study Committee, in offering education events for local leagues across the state, and in providing Q&A, as needed, to explain the new positions. In large part because of these efforts, the Chair of our Healthcare Committee has been appointed the LWVNY Issue Specialist on Healthcare by the LWVNY Board.

Educational Events & Testimony on Healthcare

PWM has run many educational programs on single-payer healthcare:

        • For our PWM communities at local venues
        • At state-wide virtual events, such as caucuses at 2021 NYS Convention (on Rural Health and on Health Disparities)
        • At national events, such as assisting with the healthcare caucus on Medicare for All at the 2020 LWVUS Convention
        • In conjunction with a national network of League members from 45 states who advocate for publicly funded universal healthcare:  Health Care Reform for US

PWM has also testified and helped prepare testimony at hearings on the NY Health Act:

      • Testimony on October 23, 2019, in the Bronx — Hearing by Joint Health Committees
      • Testimony on May 18, 2019, in Albany — Hearing by Joint Health Commitees
      • Testimony on February 8, 2019, in Albany — Hearing by the Budget Committee
      • Testimony on December 6, 2018 in NYC — Hearing by NYC Council on Resolution 470


LWVNY Advocacy and Resources

Find links to the 2021 Healthcare Positions and the Study Materials, along with materials on Death With Dignity positions  here.

Find link to the 2001 LWV NYS Memorandum of Support for the NY Health Act  here (in  2021 Legislative Packet)

Endorsement of the Campaign for New York Health (here)


Governor Hochul appointed Dr. Mary T. Bassett as the new NYS Health Commissioner, effective Dec 1, 2021  — Professor at Harvard University’s School of Public Health, former Commissioner of the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and 17-year member  of the medical faculty at the University of Zimbabwe. Read about Dr. Bassett.  See video on epidemics and racial/ethnic disparities (2020 HIV Center in NYC) and on social justice (2106 TED Talk)

Recent 2021 NYS Health Laws signed

        • A160B to lower the allowable lead levels for school drinking water
        •  A.126-A to establish the State’s first comprehensive emerging contaminant monitoring list to ensure broad testing for dangerous chemicals.
        •  A.108B/S.1168A and A.7119/S6346 safe staffing bills to ensure adequate nurse staffing in hospitals and nursing homes



Learn more about single-payer healthcare funding — videos

Learn more about single-payer healthcare funding — websites

Learn more about alternate kinds of healthcare funding — books & films


If you are interested in learning more about an issue that many worry is too complicated for ordinary Americans, we would love to hear from you.  Email Program@LWVofPWM.org and put Healthcare in the subject line.