Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.    JOIN/RENEWGIVE
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Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.    JOIN/RENEWGIVE
Event invitation for "Lunch With the League" on March 14, 2024, featuring a State of the Town Address by Supervisor Jennifer DeSena in North Hempstead, NY.
Image with text about Federal Judiciary Reform meeting on March 5. Includes a balance scale, gavel, books, and a highlighted message: "Members reached 'strong consensus for' all 12 Questions.
Purple flyer for a Candidate Forum on March 26 at the Port Washington Public Library. Includes an icon of a library building and a "More Info" box.
Illustrated poster for a Candidate Forum at Manhasset Public Library on April 1, featuring children reading in a library setting.
Flyer for a healthcare costs discussion event, featuring the Campaign for New York Health logo with the Statue of Liberty.
Yellow flyer announcing a Zoom meeting on Thursday, Feb 13, about member consensus. It states members approved all three LWVNY proposed positions and includes an image of hands holding papers.
Promotional flyer for "Legislative Hot Topics 2025," a virtual event by the League of Women Voters of New York on February 1st at 10:00 AM, featuring NYS issues specialists.
Slider Lunch 2025-01-20 at 8.03.27 PM
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